Tuesday, 11 February 2014


Well I have re-located to Lochcarron in the West Highlands due to work and have now been here for just over two weeks. For anyone who knows me knows I have managed to gain a permanent job with Forestry Commission Scotland based at the Achmore Outstation near to Plockton.

As I mentioned before the birding and wildlife possibilities here are almost overwhelming nevermind the landscapes so I am very pleased as I absolutely love the West coast so it is a bit of a dream to now be based here.

Haven't had much time to do much exploring yet as it's been pretty hectic but I have been able to see a bit of the area and visited Loch Kishorn a couple of times and the Applecross peninsula so there is a few year list additions.

So hopefully when things settle down there will hopefully be some interesting stuff to report soon.

Year List Additions:
30. Hooded Crow
31. Raven
32. Jackdaw
33. Little Grebe
34. Oystercatcher
35. Teal
36. Mallard
37. Goosander
38. Goldeneye
39. Whooper Swan
40. Cormorant
41. Redshank
42. Great Black-backed Gull
43. Great Northern Diver
44. Eider

The Five Sisters of Kintail (07/02/14)  

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