Monday, 3 June 2013

Spotfly (03/06/13)...

I took a walk down to the local Conon River this afternoon. I took a walk down the river at similar time of the year last year and I found a pair of Spotted Flycatchers near to the start of the walk which was a nice surprise (see HERE). So I went down this afternoon again to see if they had come back again this year.

The weather today was very still and mild so there definately plenty of flys for catching. I made my way along the path and soon came to the large Larch tree that had previously fallen over where I saw them last year. I hung around for about 20 mins but I didn't see anything. I carried on with my walk for maybe 2 miles and then doubled back. Whilst walking I saw plenty of common woodland birds plus a juvenile Yellowhammer, Red Kits and Common Sandpiper. Also plenty of Swallows over the river itself.

On the way back walking through an area of shadier woodland made up of alder and chock full of bluebells something caught my eye up in the canopy. It was a Spotted Flycatcher "flycatching" from a branch. I only stayed for a minute or two though before I lost sight of it. Brief but good to see they are present in the woodland at least.

Close to the end of my walk and back at the big Larch again I checked one last time just in case and after a minute or two another Spotted Flycatcher appeared sitting exactly where I saw one of the pair I saw last year. So two Spotflys seen in two locations roughly 1.5km apart. Success.

Year List Additions:
114. Spotted Flycatcher

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